Kathmandu to Dhunche Bus Ticket

Kathmandu to Dhunche bus agency give the detail information about the Bus departure time to Dhunche, types of the Bus to Dhunche, cost of the Dhunce Bus and its distance. Kathmandu to Dhunche Bus ticket for the Gosaikunda Darshan. Morning 6 Am to Afternoon 10 Am Bus service from Kathmandu to Dhunche. The route of the Kathmandu to Dhunche Bus is from Galchi then Batar Trishuli. There are deluxe bus, express Bus and Local Bus facility to go Dhunche from Kathmandu. Bus price of the Dhunche different according to the facility of the Bus. Dhunche is the district headquarters of the Rasuwa district and gate way to go Gosaikuna Lake. Gosaikuna lake is the holy lake where is annual big Janipurnima festival. Green city Travel and tours arranges the Kathmandu to Dhunche  bus ticket by online booking. Bus ticket and Bus reservation to Dhunche for the group tours such as educational tours, religion tours etc.

How to book Kathmandu to Dhunche Bus ticket, will be the question from the passengers. Our agency give the facility pay by the eswea and online banking so that you can directly ride the Bus to Dunche according the message of the Dhunche Bus ticket agency. Not only Bus ticket, we provide Bus jeep car van for  travelling to Dhunche from Kathmandu.